Tuesday 22 January 2013

morning parade us & ourselfs video research.


close up shots were used in this video so that it shows the band and who does what, it shows the lead singer as a close up to show the importance of him in the group.  also establishing shots of where it was being filmed and set  were also done to show what type of genre the band are and how they are different to other bands. Also casual setting behind the band with dull and dark color show that the band can work wherever they are and that again it isn't the appearance that is important to them it is their music.

 Also there were use of shaking of the camera to show the speeding up of pace in the video and it also picks up as the beat in the song gets faster. Most of the shots are done in really plain and dimmed down color to almost make it look black and white and some shots are even done in sepia tone as shown in one of the images showing the location.

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