Thursday 24 January 2013

star profile (unfinished)

introduction- The band i am analyzing is one night only which is our bands main inspiration
as an indie rock band, they are from Hemsley, North Yorkshire and they formed in 2003.

early establishment-
their image back in 2003 when they formed was considerably different as shown in the
two comparison images below.

they initially played covers of other bands like new found glory, blink 182 and the Beatles
as well as their own material. one of their earliest and
oldest songs being "its about time"

Later established- in their videos they aren't really shown as playing as characters but just being themselves
and acting possibly how they would in different situations for example being in love.
in few of their videos they are shows performing showcasing what they can do,
that they aren't only showing the band playing around and getting along
but actually showing the band working too.
plain color and black and white tones have been associated with the band as visual motifs go
they don't get to vibrant with their logos and imagery due to their passion being for music and not
for looking good.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

reminder for research *      possibly this group for  the music doc research.    

Basics on audience profile.... needs slight rewording when in portfolio.

New for Lisa fans spend ; £100 on footwear on average per year
£500 on clothes per year (average)
£350 on audio equipment per year.

on average our listeners buy about 5 dvds' per year.
also our listeners download about 1200 songs per year and buy around 4 CD's
per year also.

Our listeners are mainly high school students and
ranging upwards to the age of 30 years.

Our listeners don't play many console video games, though many of the male side of
our fan base own an xbox or an earlier generation console such as game cube and
playstation to keep with the retro/ vintage trend.

Our listeners agreed that they spend an average amount of money on
clothing/footwear per year- 65%
They also agreed that it is important to stick with a vintage trend and look
their best- 77%

average age-18 years.
working part time- 59%
working full time- 40%
un employed- 1%
still studying- 60%

Tuesday 22 January 2013

images of use.

morning parade us & ourselfs video research. 

close up shots were used in this video so that it shows the band and who does what, it shows the lead singer as a close up to show the importance of him in the group.  also establishing shots of where it was being filmed and set  were also done to show what type of genre the band are and how they are different to other bands. Also casual setting behind the band with dull and dark color show that the band can work wherever they are and that again it isn't the appearance that is important to them it is their music.

 Also there were use of shaking of the camera to show the speeding up of pace in the video and it also picks up as the beat in the song gets faster. Most of the shots are done in really plain and dimmed down color to almost make it look black and white and some shots are even done in sepia tone as shown in one of the images showing the location.

one night only say you don't want it video research 

The shots in this video vary a lot. the image to the right is a close up shot of the lead singer, by doing this it shows the main focus of the band and the main focus of the video and also by using a dark and blurry background it signify them being a very indie rock type band by their use of tone and color. by having dark and dull colors it shows that their main focus is on the music not the appearance.

they also showed shots of the whole band like the one on the right hand side. showing the whole band with such a light behind them gives a dramatic effect and it also shows them in a casual stance as a band who are close as friends also.
In this video they also have a lot of establishing shots of places that they are filming in and where the video is being set in. at the start that is the main base of the video footage with a few flashing in shots of the band singing the song.  by having the establishing footage it adds character to the video and all the shots are also in a rustic light and have mainly dull colors. for example the image to the left has a lot of color in it and is busy to look at but they have dulled down the color to fit in with the mood that the band want to create.

florence and the machine breath of life video analysis  

The video shoots from The singer and her producing the video itself and it also flicks to shots from the film 'snow white and the huntsman' that it was an over track for too, which makes the video more exciting.

When the shots are of her producing the video they are done in black an white to show the serious side of the production and the main creation of the song, giving the black and white effect and the close up angles of the camera it shows the seriousness of the genre being indie rock.

Also when the video ends it fades out with a bright white light to show that the video and song has come to an end, and throughout the video the shots flash from shot to shot and by the way that i editor has done this doesn't just show the band and singer to be centering their music around them but by adding shots from the film in shows what the song is really about.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

one night only band website.

One night only
Their genre is alternative rock and indie rock.
their website is under construction as of now but their temporary one is mainly black and white with bold and basic text. It also they have a video on their home screen to show their music and video and they have a selling point promotion for itunes.   

Tuesday 8 January 2013

website set ups.

basic website set up

set up idea for our site.

The white stripes band website research.

The white stripes. 

On intro page there is one single image placed in the middle of the screen with a intense scene pictured and it is all in black , white and with some red to highlight it.
Their genres would be : indie rock, punk blues, blues rock, alternative rock and garage rock. 
This band website is really different to the other indie web sites i have researched and viewed, there is a mainly red block base color with black and only hints of white. the page tabs are all different symbols that you have to hover over to see what they are and then click to go to the page.
the iconic name of white stripes is represented with the pictures of the penguins with white stripes on their bodies being the background of the website and also the black and white trim border is also blending well with the name of the band. although the symbols on the pages bar at the top seem complicated the website lay out itself is quite basic but the tabs at the top of the site don't really involve the audience all that much. 

the arctic monkeys website research.

The arctic monkeys 

main page tabs;
- gigs --> dates&venues
-fans forum
-sign up
their genre would be : indie rock, post punk revival, garage rock and psychedelic rock. 

  • the front page has a video of the band playing live and important news articles about the band also some gig information and some social networking links. 
  • the colors used are all black and white in block color, so there is no grey or any other colors.  
  • the typography is in sans serif, which shows the modern theme to the band gelling with the classic theme of black and white only. 
  • title is bold and slightly slanted to show the fun side to the band and also shows their originality in the font as it is different to any other font on other bands sites. 
  • pages such as sign up and fans forum are there to get the fans involved which shows that the band also care a lot about their fans which is what the audience want to see and be able to get involved with. 

Florence and the Machine web research.

Florence and the Machine

  • Grey. Also some other bland colors such as washed out purple, yellow and green. 
  • Image of main vocal person in the group.
  • Links to their pages on social networking sites. 
  •  Videos. 
  • Important information about the bands plans and agenda. 
  • Title of the band in their specific font of the band. 
  • Genre would be : indie rock, indie pop, baroque pop, neo soul and art rock. 

main page tabs on the site such as;
-sign up
  • plain earthly colors in gallery images for her indie rock clothing style and look. 
  • the sign up page gets the audience to feel involved and receive updates about the band. 
  • the videos, gallery, about and news page give new and old audience an insight in to what the band are all about and what kind of music they create and what kind of things they do and what they are like as people and even about the background of the artists. 
  • members and store pages get the audience of the site involved by allowing them to become a part of the site and also to enable them to buy things that have been designed by the band. 

band basics.

Band name : News for Lisa.
Genre : Indie Rock
Similar bands : Florence and the machine, One night only, Razorlight, Frank Turner, Oasis, Reverend and the makers. Enemy, white stripes, Biffy Clyro, Bat for lashes, Arctic monkeys.
CD titles : Downfall of Lisa
Tour name : When the world ends.
Magazines : Nme, Q, Mix mag
Image :  Triangles as an iconic symbol for indie stereotype, hats and scarfs, baggy tops/shirts, skinny jeans and high wasted shorts, braces, old vintage blazers, piercings.
Promotion video venue : potential locations- Highlands park, London (iconic backgrounds), local town, Beaches (Frinton & Walton as such).
Web & Mag style : block colors of black and white. possibly some sepia tone pictures, all clothing in images that could be color must be plain, boring, and basic.


Our general fan base would tend to be between their late teen years and mid twenties. they would usually wear similar styles of clothing and colors of clothing as we do as a band. They would wear mainly loose fitting tops mostly plain or with some iconic symbols on them in large print. Also a blazer of jacket even sometimes a baggy shirt over the top of their tee shirt with skinny fit jeans or even denim high wasted shorts. Often they would wear a scarf, tie or bow tie to complete their outfit and sometimes they wear thick black rimmed glasses that are large in size and not necessarily needed to aid their site but as a fashion statement. Also some more mainstream indie lookers tend to wear a beanie hat or trilby hat to also complete their look.
 for example clothing on .

Monday 7 January 2013

band name

We choose our band name due to controversy in the news and the Rupert Murdoch news of the world. We then couldn't decide how to end it so we typed in 'the news for' in to Google search and the first image that came up was a book called "news for all the people" but we wanted to make the name more specific to who it was aimed at and who it featured. So after many elimination processes decided as Lisa as a name to go with our starting few words. There for creating 'News for Lisa' .